Sunday, June 26, 2016

SERMON OUTLINE # 4 - "A Well-pleasing Service to God"

"A Well-pleasing Service to God"

Text: Heb. 13:1-18

What is a service? Service is a work done by an individual for the benefit of others. People give their time to make different services for the society. Lots of groups sprung up in order to provide different kinds of services. These are just few of the many examples where service is done.

What about spiritual service? Did God demands His children or people to serve Him? Are all services accepted by Him? The fact is that, no religious group believes that their service is not accepted by God. All religious sects believe that whatever thy do, it is accepted by Him no matter what kind of service it is as long as they do it heartily. The truth is, not all services offered to God is accepted by Him. Some of these services are abomination before Him. So, what kind of service are we ought to do that could be accepted by Him? Let's examine the following questions.

I. Do you love your neighbor? - v. 1-3; Mat. 5:21, 22

II. Is there lust lying within you? - v. 4; Mat. 5:27, 28, 31, 32

III. Are you contented with what God has given you? - v. 5; Phil. 4:11

IV. Do you have a genuine faith to God? - v. 6

V. Do you respect the church leaders? - v. 7, 17

VI. Have you truly understand the gospel? - v. 8-13

VII. Are you holding fast on the promises of God? - v. 14, 15; Tit. 2:13

VIII. How do you perform and communicate in this world? - v. 16; Col. 4:6

IX. Do you care your spiritual family - v. 18, 19

Consider yourself based on the above-mentioned questions. Do you think that the service you made for God is worthy and acceptable before Him? If you think that you're doing right and missed a single point above, now think again. You might have been deceived!

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